Parenting Hacks that are Actually Helpful

Parenting Hacks that are Actually Helpful

Life is magical, life is challenging, here are a few parenting hacks that are actually helpful!

Hack #1~ Block the Pee

When changing the diaper of a baby boy (especially newborn to 3 months) one awesome way to keep from getting pee all over you and your baby is to place a wipe over your baby’s penis as soon as you take off the diaper. They also sell these cute wee blockers that you could invest in!

WARNING: Parents and caregivers if you are taking off the diaper of a baby boy under three months old chances are good you will get peed on!

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Hack #2~ More Sleep Please

From a veteran baby sleep coach, you CAN get more sleep using these two hacks! Do you want longer sleep sessions when your postpartum and infant care doula are away? Um, heck yes you do!  Blackout curtains and a white noise or a rain APP/CD playing on repeat may be your answer to an extra hour of sleep!

P.S.: Any parenting hacks that involve more sleep for parents and caregivers always turn my head!

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Hack #3~ Toddler on the Move

If you have a toddler or young child that rolls out of bed a large pool noodle placed under the fitted sheet near the edge of their bed will help keep them on the bed or at least minimize the rolling out! Placing your bed or your child’s bed on the floor or a very low frame will make the falls a little more gentle.

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Hack #4~Oily Bums

Newborn meconium is dark, and thick and can be hard to wipe clean from your baby’s bum and everywhere else. Bust out the Misto on your baby’s bum and the meconium wipes clean easily! A little drizzle from a mini bottle will do the trick if you don’t have a Misto to dedicate. A big thank you to a sweet midwife for teaching me this awesomeness many years ago

Never look at EVOO the same way again!

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Hack #5~ Oh Shit!

I saved the best worst for last. Everyone’s seen or at least heard about those babies who take their diaper off during nap time or first thing upon waking in the morn after loading them full of an unthinkable amount of poop and then smearing it everywhere. On the walls, in their own face, in the tiny grooves of their crib railing, this my friend is not a job for the weak. No one ever thinks they will have that baby. Until Y-O-U do!

Well, let me enlighten you with two little words before you ever meet this moment of sheer terror or climb out the window of the bathroom and let your partner handle it alone! Backward onesis! The first time you or your partner has to complete this dreaded dirty deed I hope you remember this hack! You’re welcome!

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Hack #6~Blue Balls are Good

What the hack do these balls have to do with babies? If you have a baby with sensitve skin you can skip the dryer sheets and fabric softener completely! I highly recommend wool dryer balls, which can be purchased in any color, these happen to be blue. They are a great eco-friendly alternative!

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Hack #7~ Dirty Dishes Everywhere

Tired of a million glasses at the end of the day to wash? I always wonder how we would have 3 boys and 8 glasses out, all claiming none belong to them! Well, pick you up a pack of rubber bracelets, usually sold in a pack of 4 or 6, each one a different color. Buy a pack assign each kid a color of their own and then fashion the rubber bracelet around the glass so it fits snug. Problem solved, use the same glass for the day.

labor coach jacksonville floridaHack #8~Clogged Ducts

If you find yourself with the inevitable clogged milk duct when you have a breastfeeding baby/toddler reach for the handheld massager or electric toothbrush to help massage it out!

Dangle nurse, massage, warm wet heat, repeat!

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We hope you find these parenting hacks helpful and this blog fun! Happy Birth & Parenting!
