We Won’t Jump Ship If Your Plan Goes To Shit!

We Won’t Jump Ship If Your Plan Goes To Shit!

 We Won’t Jump Ship If Your Plan Goes To Shit



First Coast Doulas is here to support you in making your dreams come true, but we won’t jump ship if your plan goes to shit! By shit, I don’t mean “shit” at all; I mean the plan or the vision changes course!

As adults we know that life rarely happens just as we envision it.  I think most of us can probably agree that although life can throw us some crazy twists and turns it’s those same life changing spins make it interesting, unique, and fulfilling. It’s through some of the hardest times that we learn how we handle or manage stress and become more flexible. When our plans or vision “goes to shit” we are also made stronger because of our ability to persevere.

Some shit is harder to overcome than others.

Planning or envisioning what we want helps us have a jumping off point!

There you are at the edge of the pool about to dive in, you try and calculate how long it will take you to swim from one end to the other and maybe back again. You plan how many times you’ll resurface for air and then you jump! When you’re under the water you swim towards that goal you envisioned or planned for. Then you resurface and reevaluate where you are. Finally you either move forward with your original plan/goal or with a new plan, or  maybe you just wing it if that feels best to you.

Whether you prefer to plan things out in depth, wing them completely, or a combination of both, First Coast Doulas is cool with that! We support your plans or lack thereof! We know that your birth and parenting choices are just that, yours, not ours! You deserve judgement-free, unwavering support and with First Coast Doulas you get just that!

We have no pre-conceived ideas about what birth or parenting should look like for your family.

You don’t have to feel pressured to create a plan, have to justify why you want what you want, or feel bad for wanting to wing it!

We know life throws curveballs; birth and parenting are no different. We are here to do things your way!

Planning an all-natural birth or envisioning a birth where you just wing it and take it as it comes, we doula that!

Hoping you can have a vaginal birth with a medical induction by (fill in the blank) weeks, or be supported before and after your elected cesarean birth, we doula that too!

Do you know you want to circumcise or leave your baby boy intact, great!

We doula parents, their way!


Contact us today, we’d love to get onboard with your dreams! We won’t jump ship if your plan goes to shit!