Help! I Need Gift Ideas

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There you are only days now away from the birthday party of the little one in your life, be it your niece or nephew, or even your own child, you’re drawing a blank on gift ideas to give him/her. We’ve all been there. We think about it, think some more, search the internet, and reach out to friends online.

I decided to put together a quick list of gift ideas to help you in your search, links are included for many of these gift ideas. These things range in prices and are sure to be a hit!

In addition to material gifts I have listed a few experiences that you can share with the little boy or girl in your life.

1st Birthday

savings bond, a wagon with sunshade, slide, sandbox, Melody Snaily, board books like; Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3, Sand Toys

Experiences- How about dedicating a few hours to doing something special with the proud little one year old in your life. Perhaps a park play date, splash in the kiddie pool, etc.


2nd and 3rd Birthdays

bilibo, chunky puzzles, magnadoodle, shape sorter, t-ball set, sand and water table, board books that that send positive messages like; “Teeth Are Not For Hitting” and “Hands are Not for Hitting, Also interactive books like; Butterfly Kisses, Puppets, and a Doctor’s Kit (these are especially great if the little one doesn’t enjoy check ups, it will give them a confidence boost and understanding of a doctors role)

4th Birthdays

Kinetic Sand, an Art Easel for the little artist in every child, Marble Run (some sets can be added onto), Magnetic Calendar,  wooden clock with movable hands that helps teach time, Terraium, Jenga game, Plasma car, a Wobble Deck or Balance Board

Experiences Ages 2-4 years old-trip to the zoo to see the animals or a hands on museum to play, beach trip, petting zoo


5th & 6th Birthday’s

I Spy game, Teaching Cash Register, Introduce your little learner to the an interactive United States sound map, Simon game

7th birthday

Hyper Dash, gift certificate to the movies, Do you have magician in your life? How about a magic set,

Experiences Ages 5-7 years old- Take them to a skate park or go roller skating, mini golf, indoor obstacle course like Pump It Up, horseback riding

I hope these gift ideas were helpful to you or at least got those wheels turning!