Homage to Doulas | Celebrating World Doula Week 2018by The Jax Baby Companybirth, Night Nurse, PostpartumPosted on March 23, 2018March 23, 2018Comments are Disabled
Doula Support Doesn’t End Where An Epidural Beginsby The Jax Baby CompanybirthPosted on September 26, 2016February 6, 2018Comments are Disabled
Lip and Tongue Tie, Breastfeeding, and Circumcisionby The Jax Baby CompanyNight Nurse, supportPosted on March 11, 2016August 20, 2020Comments are Disabled
Going to Work Just for the Fun of It | Part 1by The Jax Baby CompanyClasses, self carePosted on December 14, 2015May 9, 2021Comments are Disabled
Why Would I Want A Doula? Why Wouldn’t I?by The Jax Baby Companybirth, Night Nurse, Postpartum, pregnancyPosted on August 29, 2015January 9, 2018Comments are Disabled