Pushing In Labor; Don’t Push Me!

Pushing In Labor; Don’t Push Me! There she was, growing physically tired after hours in labor. She was ten centimeters dilated and soon to enter the second stage of labor, pushing. As I wiped her forehead and held her straw to her lips she sipped and then asked me, “Did we lock the back gate …

My Baby Hates Me

My Baby Hates Me! You know what stinks? Thinking, “My baby hates me!” There’s an array of feelings that come along with a new baby; one of life’s most challenging and rewarding journeys. From joyful and excited to overwhelmed and terrified. Feelings are feelings and the vast difference a parent feels from one day or moment …

If My Birth Doesn’t Go As Planned

Have you ever wondered; what if my birth doesn’t go as planned? From the moment I saw two lines on that stick I started planning and preparing for the birth I wanted. The last thing I ever thought about was; what if my birth doesn’t go as planned? We found a great provider, we hired professional …

Defend Against Postpartum Depression! We Share How!

The Jacksonville Baby Company shares how to defend against postpartum depression in this blog post. Tell us what you think, leave us a comment. Have you experienced baby blues or postpartum depression before? Are you at an increased risk to develop postpartum depression? Are you just concerned about the risk since you’ve heard so many …

Stuck In My Head Sex

Stuck In My Head Sex The first time this ever happened to me I was pregnant. There I was naked, sporting a larger than normal belly, feeling less sexy than my pre-pregnant self, not really feeling too desirable, and about to have sex. What was happening, I was really turned on, but it wasn’t like …