Planning to Eat Your Placenta? You Gotta See This First!

Planning to Eat Your Placenta | Placenta Capsules Jax

Planning to Eat Your Placenta? You Gotta See This First!

Planning to eat your placenta? You’ve likely landed here wondering if it matters who you turn to have your placenta made into capsules.

It absolutely does!

Having witnessed the benefits of placenta encapsulation I believe wholeheartedly in the practice of placentophagy (ingesting one’s own placenta after giving birth). Planning to eat your placenta after you give birth? Not sure you can “stomach” it? Placentophagy has been made “socially acceptable”, not to mention palatable, by drying, grinding, and putting the placenta into capsules. The capsules are ingested for approximately 4-6 weeks after birth. Tinctures can be used from about six weeks after birth up to about a year post-birth.

Adding placenta encapsulation to post-birth plans has gained popularity amongst new parents.

This rise likely due, in part to so many people having a fabulous experience with placenta encapsulation and telling others about it. Raving that it helped them increase their energy level, boosted their breastmilk production, and either warded off postpartum depression and anxiety or helped them keep it at a managable level. Perhaps the increased demands of life have also led to the modern rise of this age old practice.

We want to feel good after having a baby and look good doing it!

“The irony of placenta encapsulation is that some people are putting their health at risk in effort to feel better after birth.”

Think about that for a moment…

The majority of people who fall into this risk category aren’t doing this intentionally; they simple don’t know or understand the ins and outs of placenta encapsulation. It can be confusing. For one, placenta encapsulation is not a regulated industry. Literally anyone can call themselves a placenta encapsulation “specialist” or any variation of that title. Yeah.

Stay with me!

As a professional postpartum placenta specialist I want you and your family to have the very safest experience, without compromise! We’ve taken the guess work out of placenta encapsualtion and created a checklist that is easy to use and printable. As a consumer, being diligent and deliberate in your search for a placenta “specialist” and asking specific questions will help you stay as safe as possible while healing in positive way after birth.

Qualifications, standards, protocol, training or major lack thereof all vary greatly.

The “specialist” may have learned the “trade” by trial and error or by watching a random YouTube video. Think I’m kidding? I’m not. They may have trained online, been “grandfathered” in, or they may have taken an intensive in person, hands on training.

What problems could arise if you hire the wrong “specialist” to have your placenta made into capsules?

One problem that could arise when planning to eat your placenta is having a “specialist” mix up your placenta with someone else’s placenta! Why you ask? Well first, Y-U-C-K! Secondly, if by chance your placenta is mixed up with someone else’s placenta or if your placenta is not handled, stored, and prepared correctly you can become sick, very sick.

Your family could become sick. Other families can also become sick.

How sick? Well that could range from salmonella and E. coli. to hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV). I think those things get most everyone’s attention. Am I right?

How would you know if your placenta was mixed up or mishandled until it was too late? You wouldn’t. The only way to fully ensure the placenta in the capsules is indeed, without a doubt yours and that safe handling, temperature, and storage guidelines were followed is to remain in possession of your placenta every step of the way.

Not sure you want your placenta to remain in your possession and be processed in your own home?

Ask you provider what the risks are of accidental ingestion of someone else’s placenta. Seriously. Then revist the question and decide which seems like the safest choice.

Some “specialists” may say this inside information I am sharing with you is fear-mongering. Call it what you will, fear-mongering or transparency, but last I checked people appreciate avoiding salmonella and E. coli., hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C virus.

If you’re planning to eat your placenta you’ll want to use this helpful checklist when seeking a “specialist”:

  • Did your “specialist” received hands on, face to face training? Make sure they didn’t learn on YouTube, or from another “specialist” who made up and hosted her own training. Steer clear of those who trained online because in those trainings you don’t actually handle a placenta in the presence of a trainer. Modules and paperwork are not equal to mentors and hands on practice.
  • Was their training with a professional certifying program? Can you contact the certifying body to verify the legitimacy of the “specialist” or hold her accountable if you have a negative experience? Checks and balances!
  • Did the “specialist” take the necessary steps to become certified? Think legitimacy.
  • Was there a test or evaluation given? What does that consist of?
  • Being legitimate also means running their operation as a legal business. You can check the name of their business with your state department. For Florida that is
  • How often is the “specialist” required to re-certify? What does that involve?
  • What other certifications does the “specialist” have? You are looking for a current Food Handlers certification as well as an OSHA bloodborne pathogens certification for placenta “specialists”.
  • Does your specialist have access to professional mentors or trainers to reach out to?
  • Will you lose possession of your placenta for transport or processing by your “specialist”?  If the answer is yes then you may be taking serious risks with your health and the health of your family for reasons mentioned above.
  • Pricing should be appropriate for the level of service you receive. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Likewise if the price sounds a lot more than you expected its ok to ask why! Your “specialist” should be more than willing to set up a phone call to chat about everything!

My final thought is this: If your planning to eat your placenta you have one chance (with each birth) to get it right! First Coast Doulas is happy to answer any and all questions you and your partner have. In addition we provide a face to face meeting, are highly trained and certified and come with perks! To find out about the perks or to request more information contact us today and experience the very best that Jacksonville has to offer!

View, print, and use this checklist to help take the guess work out of your search!